How can I make sure that my wishes will be honoured once I'm gone, especially if my family wants something different, like a ground burial?
Most family members and friends want to do the right thing. You can help tremendously by prearranging. This includes writing down your wishes and providing copies to family and closest friends. Please contact your nearest First Memorial Funeral Services location for more information on prearrangements. It's also important to have a "Will" stating your wishes and naming an "executor". We encourage you to contact your legal adviser for more information regarding a Will.
If I choose First Memorial Funeral Services, what happens upon my death? What does my family need to do?
When the death occurs, your family simply calls First Memorial Funeral Services at the nearest location, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We will take it from there. A representative will gather some information, including the deceased's date and place of birth, and other vital statistic information for the legal documents. We will then arrange the necessary paperwork and make preparations to transfer the deceased into our care. Typically, our representatives arrive in a plain vehicle. The body is taken to our nearest facility where it is cared for in a climate-controlled sheltering environment until the cremation takes place. Once the cremation is complete, the ashes will be placed in a temporary container and we will contact your family or legal representative. The container holding the ashes will be given to an authorized individual only.


What if I prearrange with First Memorial and then move?
That's fine. Your prearrangements will move with you. First Memorial Funeral Services has a growing network of offices to serve your needs. This transferability benefit is included in our cremation plan. If for any reason we can't perform our service, your money is safe and your designated beneficiary will receive it. There is no additional charge for this benefit.

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