Licensed Director Available 24/7
(613) 860-2424


What is a Memorial Service?
A Memorial Service will involve everything described in the Direct Disposition, but will also include a service/ceremony to be held in the Funeral Home Chapel, Church or other location depending on the family's preference. Cremation or burial can occur prior to the service and, in some cases, the cremated remains may be present at the service. The Funeral Director will assist the family in creating a meaningful and personalized service. Elements that the family may consider are: providing pictures, displaying personal items, choosing music selections that are appropriate, selecting family members to speak or participate is some way, making a video from still photos to be played at the service. These are all ways that can enhance the funeral process and contribute to a more meaningful service. Many families today are also choosing to have a reception after the service. First Memorial Funeral Services locations offer reception facilities for this reason. The reception allows for stories and memories to be shared and can be a very therapeutic experience.
Click on "Why Have a Funeral?" in our Frequently Asked Questions section for more information.
Memorial Services

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