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What is a Funeral Service?
A funeral service will include everything described in the Direct Disposition and, to some extent, the Memorial Service. The deceased is present in a casket which may be closed or the family may choose to have it opened prior to or at the conclusion of the service, for those attending to pay their final respects. Viewing of the deceased is difficult for many people, but it is a way to acknowledge that death has occurred and offers an opportunity for family and friends to say good-bye. This can be especially healthy if the death was sudden or traumatic. For families choosing cremation, First Memorial Funeral Services locations offer a rental casket that may be used in lieu of purchasing a casket. When the casket is present, family members are given the opportunity to place items (e.g., letters, pictures) with the deceased. If the family has chosen burial, there is usually a procession to the cemetery following the service with a reception to follow the graveside service.
Click on "Why Have a Funeral?" in our Frequently Asked Questions section for more information.
Funeral Services

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